Monday, December 23, 2013

Social Media Sites are an Excellent Place to Promote Your Blog to Gain a Larger Target Audience

Social Media Sites are an Excellent Place to Promote Your Blog

Use Social Media Sites to Reach a Larger Audience
Do you know what the main purpose of a social media networking website is?  If you spend a lot of time on the internet, then you most likely do. Social media websites are online communities that make it easier for internet users to meet and communicate with one and other.  If you are the type of person who enjoys meeting new people online, then there is a good chance that you already belong to a social media website.  There is a very good chance that you've heard about an online blog?  Do you have one of those?  If you do, do you, know that using your social media website, is an excellent way to promote your blog so you can get a larger audience

Promote your blog you might ask?  The whole purpose of a blog is to document your thoughts, views, and opinions on a particular topic, issue, or subject.  What good will your blog do if no one reads it because they have not heard about it.  In addition to sharing your thoughts with the rest of the world, did you know that you could also make money from your blog?  You can signup for affiliate programs or other programs like Google Adsense.  If you are using your blog to make money, then obviously you will definitely want to promote it as much as you possibly can. Social media platforms are the best place to start, because there are billions of social media users and the numbers only

When it comes to promoting blogs, there are many blog owners who decide to let the search engine do the work for them.  Search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN use special techniques that reads the content on your website. That content is then used to rank your website with particular keywords.  This means that you run a blog on skiing in Colorado, there is a good chance that your blog will appear in searches done on Colorado Skiing. Although many blogs do successfully get ranked in search engines, not all get that lucky. That is why you are advised against relying solely on search engines, when it comes to promoting your blog.  Not to mention, social media networking sites give you the chance of gaining a much larger audience.                                                                                                                                                            The individuals that you talk to online social media platforms and that are in your community are likely the individuals that you wish to target. Since most social media websites work to connect internet users who have the same goals and common interests, there is a good chance that your online friends will enjoy reading your blog.  But, before they can read your blog, you have to let them know that it exists. 

When it comes to promoting your blog on social media sites, you have a number of different options. Your first option is to include a link to your blog in your community profile or profile page. This will allow other community members to checkout your blog, only if they wish to do so.  The other way is to inform your online friends of your blog through private messages. Once you join a social networking website and create or join a network of friends, you should easily be able to communicate with those friends.  Sending each of your friends a private message with information and a link to your blog definitely tends to be more effective than just placing a link in your profile or on your profile page.

In this day and age there is a very good chance that you are already a member of a popular social media website, you may not be. If you are not already a member, but would like to become one, it is not difficult to find a social media website to join. This can easily be done with a standard google search. In your search, you will likely find a number of popular networking sites. The most popular are Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google Plus, Yahoo! 360, and My Space.  Before becoming a community member at one of these networking sites, you may want to first examine the website to ensure that it is everything that you want it to be.

As you'll discover easily, there are quite a few different ways that you can go about promoting your blog on online social media platforms. Who knows, in addition to promoting your blog, you may also make new friends or business partners along the way.  For more information on creating social media wealth go follow us on Facebook at

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

8 Characteristics of Effective Social Media Campaigns

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To ensure your social media campaign is an unqualified success in every sense of the word, here are eight characteristics of effective social media campaigns.
So you’re thinking about running a social media campaign. Good for you!
Social media can be a great way of increasing brand awarenesscustomer engagement and long term loyalty and generating a short term boost in sales, but it’s also a potential minefield and in the worst case, a bottomless pit into which you endlessly shovel money with nothing much to show for it.

1. Targeted

Social media campaigns come in all shapes and sizes and every campaign is unique. But what all successful social media campaigns have in common is a set of clear objectives and success criteria and laser targeting.
If you haven’t taken the time and effort to think through what you’re trying to achieve, the audience you want to engage with and what success looks like not your chances of success are going to be slim to zero.
  • Is your main aim to increase brand awareness by reaching out to a new target audience or is it more about educating, informing and engaging existing customers?
  • Do you want to activate key influencers and thought leaders?
  • Is your aim to generate buzz about a new product launch or event or to increase sales of an underperforming product line?
  • What actions do you want your target audience to take?
  • How are you going to monetise all that additional engagement and traffic?

2. Focused

It’s truism in marketing that campaigns aimed at raising brand awareness are best left to the big boys who can afford to burn through enormous marketing budgets; this applies just as much to social media as to any other genre of marketing.
We’ve all seen the big budget social media campaigns that attract critical acclaim and generate acres of media coverage but leave the question “so what?” hanging in the air.
Take Gap, for example, who recently blew $25million on a US wide Groupon deal to generate an additional $11 million in revenue in the short term.  The jury is still out on whether all they have done is generate additional word of mouth awareness which they didn’t need and cannibalized their existing customer base or whether that engagement will eventually translate into increased bottom line profits.
There are very few small businesses that can afford to take such a long term and, some might say, wildly optimistic, view of the potential of social media.
Instead of throwing money at your campaign in the hope that it finds its way back to you in the fullness of time, ensure that your campaign is of the direct response variety and focused on a specific issue, customer pain point or a competitor.
It will be much easier to develop the right content and messaging and identify the specific actions you want your visitors to take, all of which will greatly assist in ensuring that you have something tangible to show for your efforts.

3. Measurable

As with all successful marketing initiatives, setting appropriate metrics so that you have a basis for measuring the success of your campaign is a must.
If you’ve set clear objectives and defined the actions you want your audience to take this should be pretty straightforward but do bear in mind that one of the great (and slightly scary) things about social media is that once you put your message out there you have very little control over what happens to it. That means your campaign may end up having completely different outcomes from the ones you’re expecting.
If you’re not hitting your targets don’t be too quick to write the campaign off as a failure.
Look closely at all your metrics to see if you’re driving value somewhere else.
For example, you may not have as many micro-conversions (email opt-ins, Twitter followers, Facebook fans and RSS subscribers) as you’d hoped for but the engagement levels for those you do have may be much higher or you may find that you’re seeing an increase in off-line sales.
Of course, if it looks like a turkey, walks like a turkey and sounds like a turkey, it probably is – in which case you need to hit the kill button pretty darn quick. But without the right metrics, how will you ever know?

4. Great Content

Back in the day when social media was the new kid on the digital marketing block you could pretty much guarantee that any reasonably creative and original campaign was going to get lots of eyeballs and create an enormous amount of buzz.
In today’s crowded marketplace it’s not quite so easy. Which means that if you want your campaign to stand out, you’re going to have to work that little bit harder to get the attention of your users.
One thing still holds true, however: the cornerstone of any effective social media campaign is great content presented in an interesting and engaging way.
If you’ve done your homework on your audience, if you know what they are passionate about, their pain points, the type of content they readily share and what they respond to you’ll have pretty good idea of what is going to get them excited. Finding a different and intriguing way to deliver your content is then your secret sauce.

5. Simple

As social media campaigns become ever more complex it’s worth reflecting on whether this what users really want.
keep it
and immediate
Creativity is a wonderful thing, but if you ask too much of your audience they will quickly get bored and move on.
Instead, keep it simple and immediate and offer something your users are going to value as a reward for their engagement. This doesn’t have to be anything expensive or even anything tangible, so long as your campaign is relevant, fun and engaging. Think Evian’s Roller Babies, the most watched online ad ever which generated over 60 million views and 54,000 comments or Johnson’s Facebook baby photo contest which generated more than 1 million visits, half a million votes and tripled the company’s fan base.

6. The Right Medium For The Message

Having a great message is one of the things that makes great campaigns stand out from the rest.
But just having a great message isn’t enough – you also have to communicate it via the right channels. It can be tempting to just focus your efforts on the big 3 – Facebook, Twitter and Youtube – but if that’s not where your target audience hangs out it isn’t going to do you much good.
It also pays to remember that people tend to behave differently on different networks so think about the actions you want your users to take and match the medium to the message.
Example: if you want an immediate response you’d probably want to use Twitter, whereas Facebook is more suited to opinion sharing.
Finally, make sure that your social media campaign is fully integrated with all your other marketing, advertising and PR activities, both online and offline.
This will not only increase your campaign’s impact but also ensure that you aren’t putting out contradictory messages that will confuse your audience.

7. Memorable

The most successful social media campaigns forge an emotional connection between the brand and the audience by providing not just great content but an experience.
Make your campaign memorable by telling stories that have an emotional resonance for your audience and they can immediately identify with.
Engage your users in an ongoing conversation, make it personal and show that you care about them and their custom and you will engender a powerful sense of belonging that will translate into long term loyalty.

8. Profitable

For any small business, a positive return on investment is going to be a key campaign success measure.
There are plenty of siren voices that will say you can’t put a price on customer engagement. Ignore them.
If you’re a small business and you can’t demonstrate that your social media campaign is directly contributing to your bottom line it’s time to go back to the drawing board. 
Of course measuring the long term impact of social media campaigns is an art not a science, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t need a plan for monetizing all that additional traffic and engagement and converting it to cold hard cash.
- See more at:

Friday, October 18, 2013

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Making Money Fast and Easy: 10 Dollar Miracle - Turn $10 into $3500+/month in ...:                          The $10 Miracle This $10, 100% done for you and FULLY automated website can you make monthly residual income online...

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Social Media Networking to Promote Your Blog

      Social Media Networking to Promote Your Blog

Do you know what the main purpose of a social media networking site is?  If you are an
avid internet user, you most likely do. Social media networking websites are basically online
communities that make it much easier for internet users to meet and communicate with
each other.  If you are an internet user who enjoys meeting new people, then you most
likely are already a member of at least one social media platform.  Do you have your own
online blog?  If you do, do you know that you could using your social media networking site
is one of the best ways for you to promote your blog?

The primary purpose of a blog is to document your views, opinions, and/or teachings on
your particular topic, issue, or subject of interest.  What is the point of your work, if no
one  reads it and learns from it.  Did you know that in addition to sharing your views and
thoughts with the rest of the world, are you aware that you could also earn money from
your blog?  You can signup for a variety affiliate programs to promote other people's products
for a commission or use other programs like Google Adsense.  If you are already using your blog
to make money, then you will definitely want to promote it through social media networking. 

There are many blog owners who decide to let the search engine do the work for them.
Use Social Media Networking to Promote Your Blog

Search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and MSN use special algorithms that allow
their spiders to crawl through your blog  that they use to read the content on your
website. That content is then used to rank your website with particular keywords.  This
means that you run a blog on finding beach front homes in Florida, then there is a good
chance that your blog will appear in searches done on Florida's Beach Front homes.

Although many blogs are successfully ranked in search engines, not all do get ranked. That
is one reason why you are advised against relying solely on search engines, when it comes
to promoting your blog.  Another major benefit of using social media to promote your blog
is that you have the potential to reach over a billion users on just Facebook alone.

As previously mentioned, if you love meeting new people or enjoy talking to others online,
then there is a good chance that you belong to a social media platform. The individuals that
you talk to and that are in your community are likely the individuals that you wish to
target. Since most social networking websites work to connect internet users who have the
same goals and common interests, there is a good chance that your online friends will
enjoy reading your blog.  But, before they can read your blog, you have to let them know
that it exists. 

When it comes to promoting your blog on social media websites, you have several of
different options. Your first option is to include a link to your blog in your profile or on
your profile page. This allows other members to checkout your blog if they wish to do so.
Another way is to inform your online friends of your blog through private messages or
through your news feed. Once you join and become a member of a social media website and 
develop of network of friends, you should easily be able to communicate with those friends. 
Sending each of your friends a private message with information and a link to your blog
tends to be more effective than just placing a link in your profile or on your profile page.

Although there is a good chance that you are already a member of a popular social
networking website, there is also a chance that you might not be. If you are not already a
member, but would like to become one, you will need to find a social networking website to
join. This can easily be done with a standard Google search. In your search, you will likely
find a number of popular network sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus,  Yahoo! 360, MySpace and Orkut.  Before choosing to become an active member at one of these networking sites, you might want to check out the website to make sure that it has everything that you are looking for in a social media platform.

As you can easily see, there are a number of different ways that you can go about
promoting your blog on social media websites. Many social sites will allow you to publish posts
directly from your blog to your social site. You never known, but, in addition to
promoting your blog, you may also make new friends and potential business partners along
the way.  For more info on promoting your blogs on social media networking sites go to

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Free Advertising For Professional Marketers to Create Social Media Wealth!

"A World Of Free Advertising For Professional Marketers to                                              Create Social Media Wealth!"
If you are looking for a way to get loads of traffic flooding to your site

then you have to check out My World Adz.  This is the first time I actually joined a company that the adz worked!  I went from getting a trickle of visitors on two of my sites to over a thousand daily visitors.  I was trying to figure out why, and remembered that I had simply advertised for these two sites at MyWorld Adz.  I went and checked my Google Analytics and BINGO  My World Adz was doing all the work.  I can't wait to see what happens when I actually put a little work into it.

If you have been working hard, but have been struggling to get website visitors, then you must go check out My World Adz.  My Facebook subscriber list has exploded and I only added a text link their a few days ago.

To Find Free Advertising for Professional Marketers

Social Media Marketing for Business

Social Media Marketing for Business

It is no secret, that every business needs a powerful boost in its standings, no matter where it stands.  It you haven't integrated social media marketing into your business, than that is something you want to do immediately.  It will not only boost your business in search engine rankings and visibility, but will give you the opportunity of reaching and getting optin's from billions of subscribers from across the globe if it is used correctly.
Join CashUnite the New Up and Coming Social Hub

Your top competitors are already using the omnipresent social media marketing and surely have been pleasantly surprised by the vast groups of highly targeted visitors they are able to reach in their niche-market.  Co-worker's may have been trying to convince you of the desperate need for your company hit the social media scene, before you fall way too far behind the competition and they are right.

Honestly, 2013 has proven to be the year that businesses have migrated from social networking to help social internet marketing.  Social Media Marketing Agencies will be anxious to guide all of us on how to effectively utilize these completely new solutions and teach each of us to use our voice, through images, videos, and quality written content to reach our audience on social media sites.  It is honestly more fun that the standard internet marketing tasks at hand.  Social media platforms are a playground for our inner creative genius.

Companies, Universities, governments education groups, personal products and services, food, advertising, NGOs and various other market sectors you will need to embrace the change for better connected with advertising tactics. Choice manufacturers, Dropshipping companies and CEO's of large companies are well aware that social media marketing is now the rocket fuel with the best strategies that will send companies soaring from small and perhaps only local, to a global phenomenon.

If your business, as well as brand, isn't existing in Google +, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Linkedin and Youtube, then you probably have noticed that your brand is dying quickly inside and losing its visibility amonst the search engine rankings as well as having no social media presence.  For search engine hubs and Internet directories are likely to turn out to be more and more crucial; considering that businesses that are not linked with social media, must not be that important.  Therefore it is likely that the search engine spiders will start to drop these businesses in page rankings at a rapid speed if they haven't done so already. A new well prepared social media marketing campaign offers businesses of all sizes, quite a few pre-defined benefits.

  1. brand awareness & acknowledgement
  2. diversion connected with traffic toward your web site 
  3. established a name on the internet
  4. highly targeted traffic
  5. explosives subscriber lists

Facebook marketing, as well as Social Media Optimization (SMO), has become much more crucial component to a business's strategy, as the traces between real world and also web marketing is sometimes getting confused.

Social media has been bringing a lot more information through with the velocity of a audio and  videos. The entire year of 2013 has proven to experience a lot of more social media marketing on the internet campaign things to do list, rather than things such as (SEO) search engine optimization, like it has in the past several years.

Competitive edge will probably be inside the palm of people's corporations, which learn how to employ these methods authentically and creatively on the social media platforms by providing quality content, the engagement of their fans, and consistency.  Those that take the time to build a sense of community on their social site, where fans with like interests like to come together and discuss their problems and feel comfortable asking questions will definitley be ahead of the game.  They will gain the viewers trust which will turn them into highly valued paying customers.

If you haven't already, make social media marketing, the most important goal for your business online.  It will help you keep up with the competition and if done correctly, you will be one of the leaders in your niche. Good Luck.  For 7 secret free Tips to obtaining social media wealth go to

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Facebook For Business

Get Paid to Connect with others on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus

Marketing With Facebook for Bussiness

Those who haven't discovered how important Facebook is to their businesses image, are
going to end up getting left in the dust when it comes to online marketing. Most of the top
marketing companies have a successful Facebook business. Any business owner can create a
Facebook page and the good news is that it is free. It can feel overwhelming and scary to
those of you who aren't familiar with marketing on Facebook, but it is not as hard as you
might think, so let's jump in and get started.

Social Media Marketing on Facebook is fun and an are that you can uses as a playground for the
creative part of yourself. You can promote and tell the world about your business in any way you
choose. You can have contests, surveys, and giveaways to promote your business, but the most
important thing you do is interact with your Facebook fans. Facebook is a Social Media Platform so it
is important to socialize with your visitors, not just post articles like you would on a blog.

Think about the message that you really want to convey and find a way to start a conversation. You
never know who will find your content interesting, but it is always possible that your message could
go viral on Facebook. If you keep things fun and interesting, your fans will stop by your Facebook
page on a regular basis. You can provide links to great information and products or just post cool
things right on your Facebook Business Page.

You'll be pleasantly surprised by the business relationships you develop on Facebook. Always be kind
and considerate, because you could be chatting with your newest customer or your next business
partner.  If socializing on Facebook for your business is something that you feel you just cannot do,
you can always hire someone to keep up and maintain your Facebook page for you, at

places like You can find people who will do this for two to three dollars an
hour. Just make sure you give them specific instructions of what you want and what you
need for you Facebook business page. If they are posting messages on your behalf, you must
give them the answers to common questions and make sure they answer all of your
customer's questions, with the integrity you hold for yourself. I would highly recommend
giving socializing a chance, before outsourcing it to someone else because many great
business relationships are formed on social media platforms.

To begin you will login to your Facebook account and click on create page. Follow their step
by step instructions. You can easily upload any content you would like from your website.
Then you work on your Facebook Apps which are the 4 Buttons you see under your cover photo.
Go to to see our Facebook page and you'll see the 4
buttons  starting with photos on the left all the way through to the click, a crown image that says
social media wealth beneath it, a New Offer TAB which you'll see a Facebook Store with Social Media
products, and an orange GET it Now Image for the Free Facebook App Creator.  Click on Each one
of these pages to get the idea of what Facbook App pages can do.  There are more tabs people can click on below the first four, but the first four are the ones people will see, so make them your best apps.  Photos automatically shows up with your facebook page.  Except for the Facebook store app, I created the others with the the easiest app building software that I recently found.  If you want a facebook store app you can click on the New Offers Tab and purchase the social store app on that page.  To check out the amazing app creating software click below.

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Facebook application pages.  The sky's the limit when it comes to this Brilliant Software

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Then you can easily upload any content from your website to your
Facebook page, then just click on the link to "create an ad. " Next you will just click the "I
want to advertise something I have on Facebook" button, or the "Suggest an ad" button.
After you create your ad, you'll need to refine your targeting, based on your friend's or
fan's profile information. Facebook automatically fills in ads based on the likes and interests
Facebook users have chosen on their profiles.

What you need to do is click the continue button after your ad's been generated, and get
down to targeting the right audience for your ads. You can do this through the workplace,
age, education, gender, interests, language, and even Facebook connections. All of a sudden
have a beautiful Facebook page with advertisements that is live and active within seconds.
There you go you did it! You are well on your way to building a success Facebook business!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Free Facebook App Creating Software

Free Facebook App Creating Software

Free Facebook App Creator

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  • Do you have a Facebook Page, but have no idea how to set up an optin list?   
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