Monday, January 28, 2013

9 Tactics To Achieve Social Media Marketing Success

9 Tactics To Achieve Social Media Marketing Success

How Your Business Can Succeed At Social Media in 9 Simple Steps 

With the proliferation of new platforms, expanded content needs and related marketing support, marketers can find social media overwhelming. The reality is that, done effectively, social media success can be achieved in an easy, straightforward manner.
Instead of spending time and resources developing an elaborate plan, start small and build your social media engagement slowly. The beauty of taking this approach is that it keeps your social media on track to achieve yourbusiness objectives without abandoning your process as soon as other activities and projects take priority.

9 easy steps for social media success in 2013

The objective is block your social media activity into bite size chunks so you don’t feel swamped.
1. Set your social media goals. Determine what you want to accomplish using social media. As with any marketing initiative, your objectives should be as specific as possible and related to higher level business goals. The major business uses for social media are:
  • Brand building
  • Audience expansion
  • Sales support
2. Know your audience. Create marketing personas as well as social media personas to better understand your target market and how they engage on various social media platforms. Use this information to choose your social media venues and tailor your interactions.
3. Listen to the social media conversation. This is a must-do for every business regardless of its focus, level of social media engagement or regulatory nature. It’s critical to know what your prospects, customers, competitors and the public are saying about your business, products and employees.
4. Choose your social media platforms. Based on your target audience, what’s being said about your organization and the level of social media resources (financial and human,) determine where you should stake your turf and the level of activity you should expend on each platform. Here are the top options:
  1. Blog should be at the center of your social media since it’s an owned content marketing venue where you can provide the breadth of formats, extend the conversation, and support social sharing.
  2. Facebook remains the top dog globally. As a result, it’s the place to be. Before you rule it out for B2B organizations, understand that it might be the only option in some locations.
  3. YouTube is also important as the number two search engine after Google as well as the number two social media site.
  4. Twitter continues to grow and provide a forum for short social conversation and sharing.
  5. LinkedIn is top of the list for professional socializing. It also supports your HR efforts.
  6. Google+ keeps gaining traction. Build your presence as protection against future changes.
  7. Pinterest is no longer a female ghetto. It’s where your organization show off its visual side.
  8. Other options depending on your business focus include Slideshare (a must for B2B entities), Instagram (useful for visual perspective of your business), and Tumblr (a must for the 13-25 year old set). Further consider the What’s-Old-Is-New-Again venues such as Flickr and MySpace.
5. Develop a social media schedule. The goal is to ensure that you’re participating regularly on social media without taking away from other areas of your business. To that end, create a social media calendar as an accompaniment to your editorial calendar in a way that minimizes stress on your organization. This is particularly important for small businesses and entrepreneurs where time is a scarce commodity. Set an easy-to-follow daily, weekly and monthly schedule rather than have someone spend their entire day on social media. (Here’s the Cliff Notes approach to creating an editorial calendar.)
6. Optimize social media content for search and consumption. Part of the power of social media is to drive greater visibility. Therefore make sure your information is search-friendly and that your important keywords are prominent. Also, make your content in easy-to-consume format.
7. Promote your social media engagement. Unless you’ve got a large social media following or a major offline advertising budget, you must market your social media pages.Think in terms of leveraging your owned media such as:
  1. Blog. Incorporate social sharing and commenting. Also drive engagement on other social media venues with the use of related posts.
  2. Website. Promote your social media content where appropriate. In addition to highlighting it on your home page, incorporate social media references on relevant product pages and resources.
  3. Emailing. Cross promote social media content and activities to your house file. This can be incorporated into your existing newsletters and promotions.
  4. Customer service. Leverage both your wait time on your inbound phone calls and your outbound emailings.
  5. Offline marketing. Market your social media activity in your offline promotions such as television, print and direct mail as well as packaging and retail.
8. Distribute social media activity across your organization. Unless your organization is large enough to have dedicated social media personnel, assess how you can incorporate social media into relevant positions.
  1. Provide a set of social media guidelines.  Let employees and customers know your house rules.
  2. Train your staff. Don’t just assume that everyone knows how to represent your firm on social media. They need to know how to create content and engage. (BTW—we can help you with this.)
  3. Incorporate social media content creation, support and engagement into people’s jobs. You can’t assume that your employees will participate because you want them to do so. You must make it part of their job description and ratings.
9. Measure results. Understand that social media isn’t free. To this end, you need to track your marketing costs and investments as well as the number of man hours devoted to social media engagement. Further, you must be able to show results in terms of improved branding, increased lead generation, higher sales and/or shorter sales cycles.
To keep your social media marketing under control to achieve your 2013 business goals, it’s useful to break each aspect into achievable chunks. It’s better to start small and increase your participation over time than to batch your engagement into large blocks of time and then disappear for long periods while you do other work.
What other suggestions for easy-to-achieve social media engagement would you recommend and why?
Happy Marketing,
Heidi Cohen
I hope you enjoyed this post that I found written by Heidi Cohen.  I think she explained it in such a clear and helpful way.  To read any of her other posts you can go to   For more help with social media wealth check out

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Making Money on MySpace

Making Money on My Space

MySpace Business Basics

 You must crawl before you walk, or even run when it comes to making money on MySpace. It isn’t a place to jump in and make money without knowing some of the basics. Think you know all the basics already? You are most likely misled, as the basic rules of MySpace change daily, and the profiting techniques do so as well.

        Lesson number one when it comes to profiting off of MySpace is to make sure you constantly stay abreast of the rules, and regulations on MySpace. The more education you receive on how to make money with MySpace, and how to skirt around the problems with MySpace, the easier your life will be. Don’t be afraid to take time each day to look at any changes in the MySpace format, and consequent rules of the site. The more you know about this, the better it will be for your bottom line.

        MySpace is starting to institute a quality control system that will frown upon commercially drawn pages, and thus you want to try to create a MySpace page this is at least in some part not entirely commercial. This doesn't mean that making money on MySpace is impossible. It just means toning down your offerings, and at least pretending like you are trying to contribute something to the MySpace community beyond attempting to sell people on goods, and services.

        Part of making money on MySpace is understanding the different roles of each member, and guest on the site. For example, if you are placing a viral video on MySpace, and you want everyone to see it, it must be part of a friend post, not under your videos section, because your videos section is for members viewing only. This means nobody else will be able to see the video but members, and friends of your space. This is one little example of how important it is to keep up with the rules, to make sure you know how to maximize the effectiveness of your site.

        The more you learn about their policies the more powerful your money making on MySpace results will be. Therefore it is imperative that you learn as much about MySpace as possible, from the rules to the regulations, to the little nuances that make it such a powerful money making machine. Once you have a clear understanding of these rules, you will be ready to take a step in the right direction towards making money with MySpace.

Do you have the time for MySpace Profits?

        Making money without doing a single thing is a myth that is long due for breaking. There is no such thing as a free ride when it comes to making money online, and that includes profiting through MySpace. Those that want to tell you that you don’t need to work to make money on MySpace have no idea what they are talking about. While making money on MySpace can be fairly easy, it is imperative that you figure out whether you have the adequate time to devote to this endeavor.

        Look at making money on MySpace as you would look at building a website from scratch, and attracting buyers to the website on a daily basis. MySpace is a network of mini-websites that are called pages, or spaces, where people can structure things as they want, and post enough information for others to enjoy in any way they deem fit. While the creative control is left up to the user, there is still the implication that one will take the time to carve out a meaningful profile, and add content to your site that people will want to look at, which of course takes time.

        You don’t need to quit your job to make money on MySpace; you simply need a few hours a day to dedicate to setting the site up in the beginning. Once your site has been setup, you will have the latitude to take more time to do whatever else you want, and make adjustments to your profile when you see fit. So making money on MySpace is all about taking enough time in the beginning to make sure the site is ready to roll, once you have budgeted adequate time in the beginning, your life will become much easier.

        After taking time to setup your profile, and learn about the rules, and regulations of MySpace, it is time to start making money. Some money making efforts are more time consuming than others. Some involve asking hundreds of friends to join your network; others involve more basic strategies to create services, and templates for MySpace users, that might not require as much time. The important thing is that you make time a priority when it comes to MySpace, as you will find the more time you spend getting your MySpace profit plan in action, the better the profits will be.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Free Ebook on Social Media Traffic

                                            FREE EBOOK on Social Media Traffic

If you would like a free e-book containing the most brilliant viral tip of all time click here.  What is your Passion?  What are you an expert in?  Everyone is an expert at something.  Think about it.  There is at least one subject that you know more about than anyone else.  An area people ask for your advice in.  Once you figure out what lights your fire, sit down and  write a e-book or report about it.  Then include links to your sites.  Try relevant products that you sell into the report or book.  There's bound to be people interested in the same thing you're interested in.  The internet is worldwide and your not the only person that shares this interest.

Then give your book away for free, or for a very low price and give your customer resell rights or the right to give it away(which is better if you'd like it to go viral).  People pass around free books like flu, but in a good way:).  Anyone who gets their hands on your book will most likely click on your links visit your site and BAMO You have a new customer.

  For more on creating social media wealth go to

Social Media Blog Sites: The Power of the Written Word

                             Social Media Blog Sites: The Power of the Written Word
The Written Word

The written word can literally move the very soul of a nation. People have been fascinated by literature for centuries. Literature is the where you find the true meaning of life. Words can move us as no physical object can.The recent explosion of social networking blog sites all over the internet has truly shown us how much value we put in words. With words, we express ourselves from the depths of our souls. Words truly have such an impact that they form  stong bonds between people. Words are the only media allows us to relate with others through our experiences. True, some may argue that sometimes words are not enough to contain the enormity of an experience.  However, words are the closest way we have of sharing our experience. Words can describe accurately our pain, our joy, our sorrow and all other parts of the human experience of emotion. Social networking blog sites are used by many people for self-expression. They use social networking blog sites as outlets for the emotions they chain up within them. Personally, I started writing poetry during my sleepless nights, suffering from unrelenting back pain following five back surgeries and infections.  Honestly, I had not written a poem before then since a 2nd Grade Roses are Red type poem for my mother on Mother's day.  During the most traumatic time of my life writing gave me an outlet for my emotions of anguish and pain.

In a way, words give us the freedom we cannot enjoy within the society of the Human Race. Sometimes we are not willing to say the words out loud to others in fear of shame or we may just choose not to. The written word is so powerful.  It has an impact altogether different from the spoken word. Somehow, written words seem more pristine, uncorrupted, or influenced by the voice and accentuation of a speaker. Written words, like those found in social networking blog sites, are open to the interpretation of the person who reads them. This way, each selection of written words holds a unique meaning to the each and every person who beholds them.  People use social networking blog sites to bring a specific meaning to the world. They use social networking blog sites in order to tell the world I am this and this is what is matters to me. They declare to the world, individuals own personal messages in a voice that cannot be silenced by any man.

A social networking blog site can act as a training ground for aspiring writers. These young writers do not write for money or for fame, but to let out the personality that is waiting to be released.  They write in social networking blog sites because they feel they need to. They do this in order to let the whole world know that they will not be silenced. They will write and write until they can write no more. Although social networking blog sites can serve as catalysts to build bridges between strangers, the main object of these sites is to open each person up to the experiences of another.  It used to be that you had to find people that you could relate to by socializing at parties, bars, or events.  Social Media has exposed us to the best way to find and meet strangers who believe in what we believe in, enjoy our work, or people whom could really use our advice.  Therefore, there is no better way to find like minded people than through Social Networking Blog Sites.

Social networking blog sites help you meet people while expressing yourself and looking at the self-expression of others. This helps you connect with them in a way that is more profound and meaningful than any other process is able to provide. Social networking blog sites let you connect with different people through their writing. They allow you inside different persons’ musings, they let you join a soldier on the battlefield, and they let you keep track of a person’s experience regarding issues they are dealing with on the other side of the world. They make things more real to your perception.  Social networking blog sites may serve as meeting grounds, but it is better as a place where you can get a glimpse of the human soul, for that is what writers reveal in their words.  If you are not already on them, Tumblr, Stumble Upon, My Space, and Squidoo are some that you might enjoy.  For more information on Social Networking Blog Sites go to

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Social Media Optimization

                            Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization
One of the most popular trends that breaks away from search engine optimization is social media optimization. Social media optimization is similar to search engine media optimization, but is actually much easier to accomplish with today's technology. The goal of social media optimization is to drive huge amounts of people to a specific website. Social media optimization can also be used to determine whether or not a start up website will be successful or whether it will fall flat with the consumers. Social media optimization uses new tools and platforms to drive mass amounts of traffic to a website.

Rohit Bharagava, the vice president of Interactive marketing, created the name social media optimization.
Social media optimization is done by using online tools and platforms that can be used to share insights, interests, and perspectives.  Some of the tools these platforms allow you to use are facebook likes, twitter feeds, and share with goolge+ circles. There are many forms of information that can be shared such as text, images, audio, and video. Popular forms of social media optimization are currently blogs, pod casts, message boards, vlogs, and wikis. Social media optimization is  anything that builds a community where people can rendezvous. Social media optimization normally includes websites that can be used as a platform to send out a marketing message.

Social media optimization is not something that can be forced, yet it can be persuaded by using the most popular types of tools on your site that others use frequently. It is considered a type of pull marketing; it only works if people are drawn to it. Website owners who use search engine optimization want to have a website that ranks well with the search engines.

The goals of webmasters who are trying to use social media optimization are an increase in linkabilty, easy book marking, inbound links, and assisting in the sharing of content. Website owners who are using social media optimization might want to reward valuable users to make sure they are a user resource. Those who are using a social media optimization technique should also make sure they interact with their users. They should to be a part of the blogs and the message boards so they know that their readers know that they care.

If you are employing a social media optimization technique, then you must know your target audience. You need to know what appeals to that particular group of people. It is important to remember that not everybody will love you, but people will respect you if you are kind and not threatening.  Make sure you have created content. Mashup is one of the words typically associated with social media optimization. The word mashup got its start in the pop music world.  Mashup is a website of application that works to combine content from more then one source into an integrated experience. A mashup is sometimes created as a way to gather feedback on an existing project or body of work. Most companies use a third party via public interface. Google, Amazon, Yahoos! APIs, Facebook,eBay, AOL, Tumblr,and Windows Live are some of the companies currently experimenting with mashups.

Despite the fact that social media optimization is a relatively new concept over the past several years, some people believe that social media optimization will be one of the things that makes or breaks a successful online business in 2013. Along with sharing corporate personalities, internet marketing, widget marketing, auto tagging, human filtered searches, content casting, adding wordpress plugins, adding social media optimization is a must.  Social media optimization is something that encourages a fun social environment. Enjoy it.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Social Media for Networking

                                         SOCIAL MEDIA FOR NETWORKING

Use Social Media to Start Networking
Whenever you hear the words "Social networking", there are a number of social media sites which probably come to mind. However there are several social media, social bookmarking and social networking websites out there and the top social networking sites seem to dominate the social networking scene more than most of the others combined.  Here is a short look at some of the top social networking sites as well as what they provide for their users.

MySpace  is one the first websites which comes to mind when the term "social networking" is brought up because its been around for the longest time and offers other forms of communication in an effort to network, and to stay in contact with people all over the world.  It is among the original social networking websites, and it has an extensive base of users, causing it to be one of the top social networking sites. MySpace  connects users who  common interest with music, books, tv shows, videos, pictures and profiles. Subscribers can set up a list of friends, a gallery of photographs, a personal profile, and a place to write all about their interests and what is important to them.  Quite a few successful internet businesses have come from this immensely trafficked web site. It's one of these places where it's worthwhile to stay inside the terms of service for the site. However, with a little creativity, you can make good use of the marketing business opportunities featured by MySpace.

But what about a different one of the top social networking sites; Twitter - Another extremely popular social networking channel that is created when social networking is talked about.   Twitter brings about a completely unique form of networking called micro-blogging. Micro-blogging entails creating updates in micro-format. Readers to your Twitter feed easily keep up with your regular micro blogging news throughout. It's very similar to the way your followers keep up an RSS feed or a typical blog.  However, micro format can make writing in a Twitter account much more simple than other forms of blogging and social networking. Twitter also allows for cellular updating, so that you could update your followers on your status from wherever and whenever, no matter where you happen to be.  You can see how Twitter can be an internet marketer's dream. Yes!

Google+ is another social networking site that has been around for a couple years, but continues to add new additional features to help people networking as easy as possible. I believe Google+ is one of the most undervalued assets that many marketers could use to network their businesses very successfully. Google continues to make Google+ as  valuable of an asset as possible for users to promote themselves, their businesses, their authorrank along with joining groups or even starting their own hang outs.  I believe that Google+ is going to starting to play a  much bigger part in page ranks and the entire social networking scene.

Like MySpace and of course the other networking social sites you need to do a little thinking to take advantage of every marketing opportunity presented there. The really great advantage of it is these individuals that follow you and you follow are very targeted potential customers for you.
In addition to Twitter and MySpace clearly as the top social networking sites it's unfeasible not to think of the following three to use for your internet marketing:

Facebook  is a huge one that currently has more members than anyone topping 800 Million.  Like MySpace, is a large scale social networking site known for featuring quite a few methods for communication and community facilitation. Facebook offers a lot of unique
applications and games that make networking much more entertaining among friends, business colleagues, connections and family members, that makes Facebook perhaps one of the top social networking sites on the web as of yet.

Digg is an additional unique form of social networking that is based on sharing media and news with other users in the community.  Digg directs their attention to allowing users to unveil news and other media, allowing other members to rate and comment on others content based on popularity. The more users "Digg" a certain piece of media or news, the more popular it will become within the community. So its a definitely important to submit interesting and unique material that members will enjoy.

 Flickr is a quite a bit different and unique form of social networking because it revolves around photo sharing.  Users create accounts and fill them with their favorite photos, and other users can leave comments. Flickr photos can be commented on, tagged, edited and shared, providing communication and networking only by sharing photography.

Livejournal is a blogging network social networking site,meaning that the members and interactions is made simple being based around blogging. Each member has a blog account, and users can join communities to express themselves and leave comments in other blogs or journals in order to network with users from the other side of the world.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Why are Social Networking Sites So Popular?

                                     Why Social Networking Sites are So Popular
What's All the Hype with these Social Media Sites?

Do you use the internet on a regular basis?  If you do, there is a good chance that you have heard of websites like Tumbler, Facebook, MySpace, FriendFinder, Classmates, or Yahoo! 360.  What do all of these websites have in common?  They are known as social networking websites.  Social networking websites, over the past several years, have spread in popularity like wildfire, so much that many are wondering why.

For the most part, social networking websites are easy to use and most sites are easy to navigate. Most of them require very little knowledge of the internet which makes them highly accessible. In addition to being easy to navigate, social networking websites also make it easier to meet new people online. There are many people who would love to make new friends online; some have even found their spouses this way. Without social networking websites, you would have to connect with internet users, often in chat rooms, and learn about their interests before deciding if you would like to consider them your "friend" or their“buddy.”  Social networking sites allow you to learn information about another internet user before ever having to make contact with them.

If you are a member of a social networking website then it is likely that you are already fully aware of their
popularity and the reason for popularity. There is just something about these websites that draw in millions of
people from all over the world.  With a such a wide variety of different social networking websites available, there are a number of different reasons for their popularity.  One of those reasons being the how easy they are to  use.

Another of the many reasons why social networking sites are popular is because they are free to join. In fact, the majority of social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace and Yahoo! 360, are free to use.  Despite being free to use, many websites require that you register with them. This registration will not only allow you to create your own profile or online webpage, but it will also allow you to contact other networking members. This is a great way to keep in touch with old highschool and college friends.

Although most social networking websites are free to use, some are not free.  Classmates is one of those websites. Thankfully sites like facebook are there so you can keep in touch with your classmates for free.  Many of these websites give will offer you a free trial period or membership. That membership can be used to help you determine whether or not the website is worth paying for. What is nice about paid online social networking websites is that many can be considered exclusive.  Since most internet users would not want to pay for something that they can get for free, most paid social networking sites are limited on the number of members they have. This may work out to your advantage because it tends to eliminate those who cause stir up controversies online or create fake accounts.  For more on why social networking sites are so popular go to

People also enjoy social networking websites are because they come in a wide variety of different formats.  Websites like Tumbler, Yahoo! 360 and MySpace focus on a wide variety of different topics. Or Tumbler and Blogger let you express yourself through creative ingenius blogs telling stories and showing pictures.  This means that just about anyone can join.  However, there are other social networking sites out there that have a particular focus. These focuses may be on a particular religion, political following, or hobby.  Most specialty social networking sites restrict the individuals that can participate in their network; thus, making your experience more enjoyable.

Finally, social networking websites focus on meeting new people, especially online. Lately many social media sites have started including additional features that are only available to their online members. Several social networking sites even give you your own free webpage. Its now possible to get free access to popular music videos, a free blog, and much more.  Although social networking websites are popular enough to bring in members on their own, these additional features are, in a way, providing internet users with an incentive to join.  Mentioned above were a few of the most popular social networks that could be found online. If you are looking for additional social networking websites, you should easily be able to find some by performing a standard internet search.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Social Networkng Groups

                               Social Networking Groups

Social Networking Groups Keep You In the Know

Are you aware of how you interact socially with people? What are social networking groups? What grounds need to be looked into when participating in social networking groups?

Social networking has long been a part of everyone’s life. Even during the earliest eras, the people have been part of social networking groups. How come are they able to partake in such activity? Social networking may not always fall under the category of business-related ventures. They come in various forms and with different faces. You may not realize it but in your every little move, you form part of social networking groups. You attend the parties of your friends, you go bar hopping, attend a social function, meetings with clients, and a lot other activities which allow you to interact with people. That is already a form of social networking.

Social networking groups are all geared towards the creation of new relationships. They are not only meant to serve as the foundation for for friendship, but in a much serious sense, they focus on helping business-oriented individuals gain business partners and be able to reap the fruits of their labor. More than a hundred individuals can prove how much help these social networking groups were able to grant to them.

Now who can say that these social networking groups such as the facebook, youtube, stumbleupon, linkedin, squidoo, and many more are only all about sharing photos, music videos, blogs, and bulletins? They exist for a more profound sense. And that is to bring business-minded individuals close together.

The technologically related social networking groups come in the forms of websites that allow the positive flow of business relations among its members. Business enthusiasts get to form their bonds through online communities called forums, blog articles, skype, instant messaging, and a lot more of various electronic forms of communication.

Social networking groups are all aimed towards the creation of new relationships. They are not only meant to serve as pillars for friendship, but in a much serious sense, they focus on helping business-oriented individuals gain business partners and be able to reap the fruits of their labor. More than a hundred individuals can prove how much help these social networking groups were able to grant to them.  For more information on Social Networking Groups and tips on creating social media wealth go to

Friday, January 4, 2013

Use Social Media to Promote Your Online Website

Using Social Media to Promote Your Online Website

Using Social Media Websites to Promote Your Online Website
Do you own or operate your own website?  With the rising popularity of the internet, there is a good chance that you do. Quite a few of  internet users run their own personal websites, but many others run their websites as a way to make money.  Of course, any website owner wants to promote their online website, but those who rely on their websites for income, are more willing to put a great deal of effort into promoting. Whichever type of website you have, did you know that you could help to promote it with online social media websites?

If you are wondering how and why you should use social media websites to promote your online website, you are not alone. A fairly large numbers of internet users aren’t even sure what social networking sites are or how they work.  Online social media websites are like online communities. They give internet users an easy and fairly safe way to come together.  Many social media websites are designed to make it easier for you to search for and make contact with other internet users, especially those that you have something in common with.  

With a fairly large number of social media websites, including MySpace, having over a millions users, there is a good chance that you could not only make new friends, but find internet users that would be interested in visiting your online website, especially if that website is your personal website. When joining an online networking community, you should be given your own profile page. On this page you could not only describe yourself, your online website. By mentioning what your personal online webpage is all about and providing a link, you should receive a number of new visitors.  

As previously mentioned, social media websites can benefit all website owners, but especially those who are looking to make a profit with their websites.  This can be done one of two ways, by selling something or by relying on revenue from advertising.  If you have a website that selling products or services, you may find it a little bit easier to use social networking sites to your advantage.  This is because, if you wish, you could do product or service spotlights.  Each day, week, or month, you could showcase one of the products or services that your website sells.  This could either be done right on your profile page or on a blog page, which is provided by most social networking websites.

If you are using your online website to make money with advertising programs, such as affiliate programs or Google Adsense, you may need to approach social media websites in a different matter. Since you will not necessarily have a particular product or service to focus on, you will need to approach these websites as if they were personal websites.  If your website discusses snow skiin, it may be a good idea to state your love for snow skiing in your profile. After doing so, it would be acceptable and not necessarily considered spam to add a link to your online website.  As with all other types of online websites, social media websites should help to increase the number of page views your website receives. In most cases, more page views mean more clicks which means money for you.

Mention in your Linkedin Profile or updating your facebook status and adding your website is a great way for your facebook friends to see that you have a site.  If you are on facebook you always see when one of your friends updates their profile.  If your interested you check it out.  Its a great way to let your friends see your site with out invading them in any way whatsoever.  As you can easily see, there are many different ways that you can promote your online website, no matter what type of website you have or what you use it for. By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to see an increase in your page views, in no time at all.  For more information see