Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Free Ebook on Social Media Traffic

                                            FREE EBOOK on Social Media Traffic

If you would like a free e-book containing the most brilliant viral tip of all time click here.  What is your Passion?  What are you an expert in?  Everyone is an expert at something.  Think about it.  There is at least one subject that you know more about than anyone else.  An area people ask for your advice in.  Once you figure out what lights your fire, sit down and  write a e-book or report about it.  Then include links to your sites.  Try relevant products that you sell into the report or book.  There's bound to be people interested in the same thing you're interested in.  The internet is worldwide and your not the only person that shares this interest.

Then give your book away for free, or for a very low price and give your customer resell rights or the right to give it away(which is better if you'd like it to go viral).  People pass around free books like flu, but in a good way:).  Anyone who gets their hands on your book will most likely click on your links visit your site and BAMO You have a new customer.

  For more on creating social media wealth go to

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