Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Social Media Blog Sites: The Power of the Written Word

                             Social Media Blog Sites: The Power of the Written Word
The Written Word

The written word can literally move the very soul of a nation. People have been fascinated by literature for centuries. Literature is the where you find the true meaning of life. Words can move us as no physical object can.The recent explosion of social networking blog sites all over the internet has truly shown us how much value we put in words. With words, we express ourselves from the depths of our souls. Words truly have such an impact that they form  stong bonds between people. Words are the only media allows us to relate with others through our experiences. True, some may argue that sometimes words are not enough to contain the enormity of an experience.  However, words are the closest way we have of sharing our experience. Words can describe accurately our pain, our joy, our sorrow and all other parts of the human experience of emotion. Social networking blog sites are used by many people for self-expression. They use social networking blog sites as outlets for the emotions they chain up within them. Personally, I started writing poetry during my sleepless nights, suffering from unrelenting back pain following five back surgeries and infections.  Honestly, I had not written a poem before then since a 2nd Grade Roses are Red type poem for my mother on Mother's day.  During the most traumatic time of my life writing gave me an outlet for my emotions of anguish and pain.

In a way, words give us the freedom we cannot enjoy within the society of the Human Race. Sometimes we are not willing to say the words out loud to others in fear of shame or we may just choose not to. The written word is so powerful.  It has an impact altogether different from the spoken word. Somehow, written words seem more pristine, uncorrupted, or influenced by the voice and accentuation of a speaker. Written words, like those found in social networking blog sites, are open to the interpretation of the person who reads them. This way, each selection of written words holds a unique meaning to the each and every person who beholds them.  People use social networking blog sites to bring a specific meaning to the world. They use social networking blog sites in order to tell the world I am this and this is what is matters to me. They declare to the world, individuals own personal messages in a voice that cannot be silenced by any man.

A social networking blog site can act as a training ground for aspiring writers. These young writers do not write for money or for fame, but to let out the personality that is waiting to be released.  They write in social networking blog sites because they feel they need to. They do this in order to let the whole world know that they will not be silenced. They will write and write until they can write no more. Although social networking blog sites can serve as catalysts to build bridges between strangers, the main object of these sites is to open each person up to the experiences of another.  It used to be that you had to find people that you could relate to by socializing at parties, bars, or events.  Social Media has exposed us to the best way to find and meet strangers who believe in what we believe in, enjoy our work, or people whom could really use our advice.  Therefore, there is no better way to find like minded people than through Social Networking Blog Sites.

Social networking blog sites help you meet people while expressing yourself and looking at the self-expression of others. This helps you connect with them in a way that is more profound and meaningful than any other process is able to provide. Social networking blog sites let you connect with different people through their writing. They allow you inside different persons’ musings, they let you join a soldier on the battlefield, and they let you keep track of a person’s experience regarding issues they are dealing with on the other side of the world. They make things more real to your perception.  Social networking blog sites may serve as meeting grounds, but it is better as a place where you can get a glimpse of the human soul, for that is what writers reveal in their words.  If you are not already on them, Tumblr, Stumble Upon, My Space, and Squidoo are some that you might enjoy.  For more information on Social Networking Blog Sites go to

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