Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Top Three Tips to Get Your Website Ranked on Page One of Google

Top Three Tips to Get Your Website Ranked on Page One of Google - Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, and Quality Back Linking


                             Tip 1: Search Engine Optimization

SEO, Social Media, and Quality Back Links to Rank on Page One

Search Engine Optimization or SEO should not be taken lightly.  Make sure you take the time to understand what exactly and who are you planning to target. It is a good idea to select anywhere from five to 10 keyword phrases. If you have just started your online business or have a brand new website, then it is a good idea to select less competitive keyword phrases. Targeting more long-tailed key-phrases with three to five words, rather than single key-words will get you ranked much more quickly with the search engines. Always provide the proper Title, meta, and Alt tags. You can get WordPress plugins that will set this up for you.  Make sure your content is relative to your Meta tags.  Always include at least one of your keyword phrases in your titles, tags and content of each article and post on you website.  Make sure that your website is easy for your visitors to get around.  Doing these things will get you ranked in the search engines in no time at all.

Tip 2: Social Media

Once you are done with your on-page optimization make a list of quality social media networking sites where you can go and bookmark your important web-pages and posts into these social sites. You should also create a blog that is relevant to your services and post good content on these and make them more interactive for more visitors to visit them.

Statistics show that buyers rely heavily upon social media sites for researching products and services.
Therefore it is vital that you not only have relevant and updated content on your website, but you must be showing up where they are searching for you. To do this you need to put the effort into integrating yourself with the big  social media websites.

Tip 3: Quality Link Building

After you've joined some social media sites, put your best of efforts to get as much inbound quality links that you can. There are multiple ways that you can work on to achieve a golden value for your website. At the outset, submit your website URL to 100+ Search Engines and 500+ Quality online directories that give you quality link-backs. Write good relevant articles and submit them into quality Article sites. You may also submit press-releases into quality press-release directories. You can put your Ads into free classified directories. Link-exchange programs are another avenue, but Google doesn't give these links as much weight as they used to.  Another great way of social media marketing and link building is to post comments on good blogs or in forums which will also give you a rich quality of back links.

You are sure to get high traction through search engine optimization, social media, and link building.  If put in the effort and use these three tips you will rank on page one of Google.  It's not as difficult as you think.  Take the time to set out a plan to optimize your website, use social media sites, and build quality back links and you will find yourself ranking at the top of the search engines.  Once your signed up for the sites and get a system going, you'll realize just how easy this is.  To learn more about these tips and more go to or to optimize your sites with WordPress plugins go to

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